Nicole and I betrayed the good VeloNerd name (HA!) on Saturday and rode a huge road ride (gasp! ... awkward silence). We road the Santa Cruz Mountains Challenge, a local Century ride with 10,700ft of ascent through most of the beautiful cool mountain roads around here. It was a blast. I wasn't quite as sissypants roadyesque as Nicole on her full carbon road bike, but I did ride a mountain bike with a rigid fork and slick tires to make it a little easier. We had a super great ride, so much fun, laughing all the way. Many people commented on our awesome team outfits and Mark also joined us but only wore a propeller and his cow jersey (no shirt and tie for him). Erin rode up and joined us for the last 15 miles and we saw Matt right before the big climb up Jamison Creek. A super fun ride (even if it was on the road).